Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Love Like Children, Fic

Pairing: Winter Widow, James 'Bucky' Barnes/Natasha Romanoff

Rating: T and up

Disclaimer: These characters are not mine.  I do not know them in any shape form of fashion.  I just let my imagination run away with them every once in a while

A/N:  So this is my first piece with this pairing.  Its a mix of movie cannon, head cannon, and comics cannon.  I'm still figuring out my writing style as it applies to the two of them...but this piece wouldn't let me alone.  I would love to know what you think.  You can also find it Here on AO3.

Love Like Children

     The tiny nesting doll feels heavy in his natural hand; he can feel the chiseled designs under his fingers, the carved face, the roses that make up the dolls painted on dress, the seam that connects the top of the biggest doll to its bottom.  He feels, he is, a little silly for getting her anything at all.  But he can still remember a time, way back when, before the stasis and the brain washing and his death.  Before his mother died and his father left.  A time when his dad would bring him back trinkets from his business trips, little gifts from the hotel gift-shop.  And he can remember being so excited for the pile of jacks or new baseball card. 

     It’s something he wants to do.  Natasha didn’t get a childhood; he likes to make up for that.

      She doesn’t wait up for him.  Or so she claims.  And he’s long since learned that telling her not to does not make a difference.  “it’s what lovers do,” she had said around the ninth time he caught her in the living room waiting for him after a mission.  And he repeated it every time she crept home at four in the morning to find him tired but still awake, waiting for her.    

     He’s well past the time he was supposed to arrive home.  Time is an irony of exacts and relevance in their business.  She’s asleep on the couch curled up in a ball.  The house is cold and she doesn’t have a blanket.  He can see the goose bumps on her skin.  He knows she hates the cold, that she always has. 

     He can make out a piece of a memory all dim and grey and scratched of Natasha in a ball in the middle of his cot, way back when they were children of Mother Russia.  She had been shivering, nearly blue with the cold, it was middle of winter.  He had blankets but the girls didn’t.  His memory becomes more crisp when he thinks of a year ago when she’d remembered all the cold in a night mare and told him she never wanted to feel like that again, explaining in an instant why there were two duvets and a down comforter on her bed even in the middle of July. 

     He moves sure and steady through their living room, past the kitchen, to the bedroom and
gathers the top down comforter, holding it gingerly away from his sweaty, grimy body.

      He’s been silent for the last two weeks, crouched in corners, between windows, on roof tops.  He takes in a deep breath, and it sounds loud.  He rolls his shoulders back, and tries to brush off the mission.  His tread is heavy as he moves towards her, creaking their intentionally loose floor boards, easing her awake before he picks up  her feet, places them in his lap and tucks the down comforter around her.  He rubs his metal hand gently over her comforter covered legs, in slow strokes.  Sweetheart, he thinks though she’s softened to hearing the endearment aloud, Sweetheart, don’t freeze for me.

      “Sweetheart?”  it’s a remnant from days long ago, picking up women in dance halls, a life he barely remembers.  He likes the way her eyes light up a little when he says it, like she feels special, they negate the frown she puts on just for show.

      “mmumph,” she says sleepily, rubbing a hand against her eyes, in a fist, before stretching out, her hands and feet long lines before she looks up at him.  She looks so young, just tossled from sleep. “You're home.”

      Her smile almost erases the failed mission, dead children, and two weeks he’s been away from her.  Almost.  He could live off that smile, the way her eyes light up, how he knows it’s just for him. Let me, he thinks, let me live just for this

      “Brought you something.”  He hands her the doll.  She rolls it along her palm, looks up at him.  Her eyes bright as she unwinds the pieces, breaks the nine little dolls down to the smallest.

      “I’ve always wanted one.”  She says it so quietly that he barely catches it.  Her eyes a little lost.

      She so rarely looks lost that he doesn’t know what to say as she puts it back together, piece by piece (the way she did him)  until she looks up at him with an expression on her face that says he isn’t as broken as he thinks he is, “it reminded me of you.” He explains. 

      She sits up on her knees, keeping the cover up tight around her.  Her left hand clutches the doll and her right one rubs up against the scruff of his jaw.   He can feel her callouses, between her palm and her fingers, the rough one on the inside of her trigger finger.  He closes his eyes.

      “Thank you,” it’s almost hoarse, “I thought I had one,” she says, “and I never did.”

      It’s not the first time that he’s wanted to kill everyone that ever hurt her regardless of whether or not they hurt him.  To break them, shatter their bones.  Feast on their remains.

        He clasps his metal arm against her waist and runs his nose against her neck, breaths in her hair.  Her expression eases just a little.  The darkness receding as much as it can.  Smile for me, he wishes, let me earn it.  I’ll do anything.

      “You’ve always had me,” he reminds.

      She kisses him for good measure.

      The Red Room may have taught her how to spy and steal and kill.  How to speak.  How to win.  Brutality and deprivation and what the cold felt like.  But he taught her this: how to kiss, how to yearn.  How to love.  I could teach you as long as I live.  She’s moved on to his jaw.  He breaths and it’s the first time it’s felt easy in a weak.

      She slips her arms around him then, pressing him close to her body.  Like she’s always known who he is.  Even when she hasn’t.  Even when he hasn’t.  Her left hand is still furled in a fist around the nesting doll but her right one is painting pictures on the back of his tactical vest. He’s not sure who’s comforting who anymore.

       Like most things between them it’s equal, reciprocal. 

      He doesn’t know how long they sit like that, breathing each other in and out.  Remembering and forgetting Russia in a way only they understand.  She’s soft against him, all hard muscle and smooth curves, but soft and relaxed.

      “You smell like grease and gun powder.” She whispers it in his ear matter of factly.  He almost laughs, “shower then bed?”

      She asks it.  As in a question.  Like he’d say no.

      “Mmm.  Sounds perfect.”

      She gives him an almost smile…and then a smirk.

      “I got a present for you too.”

      She’s already up off the couch, comforter dragging behind her.

      “Yeah?  What is it?”

      “You’ll have to catch me to find out.”  It’s the wink that does him in.

      He could spend the rest of his life catching her.

      “You got it sweetheart.”

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bucky Barnes kinda-sorta Master Post

Annnnnd here's a great master post for The Winter Soldier.  Now I noticed that this one doesn't include Black Widow 1-8, which he is in as well as Bucky Barnes nor does it mention the just ended Winter Soldier 1- 17.  Not mine...

Winter Soldier Master Post

Black Widow Appearances Master-List from Comic Master Post

I've been trying to make one of these on my own for forever.  With characters popping up all over the Marvel world its hard to find who is where and when, almost impossible really.  Especially when they have so many mini-series titles like Natasha does.  This one is wonderful (and does not belong to me, please leave your love for the wonderful people that made it).  Follow the link below....
Black Widow Master Post, Here

Make-Up Tips for Beauties with Specs

I don't know about you but I wear my glasses almost everyday.  These make-up tips are great for making your eyes look big and beautiful behind you specs.  I love this how to video from it completely changed the way I did my make-up.  Check it out!

Agent Peggy Carter Hair Style Tips and Tricks from The Freckled Fox

Need some help with that Agent Peggy Carter Hair? Or just a vintage style vibe? I've tried and true-d these retro hair tutorials by The Freckled Fox (all credit goes to her).  And they are absolutely wonderful with step by step instructions.

Try them out!

P.S.  I've done my fair share of 1940s USO shows and one thing I've learned is that hair combs and bobby pins make a hug difference as does Freeze It hair spray if your hair doesn't hold curl very well.

'Bumper Bangs Tutorial', Here

Victory Rolls

Baby, Inverted Victory Rolls

Classic Bomb Shell

DIY Gel Liner Link

Here is that fantastic DIY gel liner I was talking about in my last cosplay post! I do this with my dollar story NYC eye-liner all the time. This is fantastic!  This is not mine, it definitely belongs to  The link above has all her tips and tricks.  WARNING: always try this out on your hand first before going anywhere near your eye (or your skin, if you're trying the extremis cosplay.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Five Easy Pea-sy Marvel Cosplays (Out of Pieces from YOUR Own Closet!!) Extended version.

Last week, I went to Heroes Con (and had a blast!) Though I had a week (of, granted, mostly free time) to pull my cosplay together, I began thinking about ones I could curate from pieces in my own closet (or those i could easily get my hands on).

Less than forty-eight hours?  Need a cosplay on a dime?  Here you go...

P.S: This is the extended list with lots of detail and description, my notes, explanations, a bunch of tips and tricks, and complete step by step instructions on how to put everything together.  I prefer a lot of detail but there is also a, separately posted, quick list with the bare essentials if that is more your style.  It is also the female list - no male characters on this list, maybe later fellas. Also, I know there are a lot of options for each of these characters.  I've made a 'basic idea' section with quick notes if you want to put it together yourself and then the two most iconic (to me) outfits for each character.

P.P.S: Blonde? Try Gwen Stacy.  Brunette? Try Jane Foster or Peggy Carter.  Red head? Try Red (for ruby red heads) or Pepper Pots (if your a more natural red head) or Natasha Romanoff.  There are also suggestions for quick hair dyes if you want to cross the bounds.

Disclaimer: the images from the comics are not mine and are put here only as examples.  I also do not own or make money off of any of the products referenced.

Here's the list I came up with:

1) Red (from the new Hawkeye, story by Matt Fraction)

         It's a terribly hidden secret that this is my current favorite comic. I can't wait to see someone do this cosplay (so definitely post pictures here if you do!)


This costume is definitely a comic book shout out! It's unique and gorgeous; it makes a statement.  Plus it's perfect for red heads!

This costume has a pretty specific color scheme and look, so some of the items might not be in your closet.  Also, the red hair is very specific so if you're not a red head, a temporary dye, wig, or extensions might be needed.  Don't worry if you don't have a magic red-hair potion, I have some tips for easy to get a hold of, inexpensive items, if you need them.

The Basic Idea
Red wears a lot of...well red.  She's a girl on the wrong side of the tracks,trying to be a little bit sophisticated.  She's a mystery.  We see her in everything from a leather jacket and jeans to her pretty, patterned red dress.
Color Scheme
Shockingly, red.

What You'll Need:

1. A red dress
Red's has a square, geometric print (in cream) with spaghetti straps.  The dress is more form fitting, short
with a straight line.  Most red dresses, especially in this style, are going to get the point across.

Need a cold weather option? Throw on a red pea coat  or a black leather jacket.  (Red sports a poncho
styled pea coat, one, I haven't been able to get my hands on).  In her first appearance she sports a black leather jacket.

2. Black high heels

Here's a second option

1. A red coat
Red's is poncho style but a pea coat would also fit.

2. Red boots
Red's are knee high.  Though with black heels in earlier scenes, black boots would work as well.

3.  Red floppy hat
I love this one.  It's seen in Hawkeye #9, 'Girls' when she's rushing for her train. (above)

4. Finish off the look with black gloves and aviators.

Make up and Hair
Hair is the big one here because, in a lot of ways, it defines the character.  Red's hair is a ruby, cherry-ish
color.  It is styled straight with a middle part.

I recently dyed my hair this color for cosplay and I used Splat washables 'Totally Red.'  Now, the was the right color, it was inexpensive (5 dollars), and it washed right out but my bathroom looked like a murder scene every time I brushed it out, it made my hair nearly impossible to style, and it was a rather
lengthy application process (washed hair, dry hair, apply color, dry with a blow dryer) and a lot of it faded over the night even though I kept it covered.  It'd work a lot better if it was applied the morning of.
However, it did work in streaks, if you want to add this color to already red hair or just add a hint of red.
The Splat kit comes with a brush for easy streak application.

Clip in extensions are also an option; my dollar store has some great, inexpensive ones.  They can't be styled
but with Red's style it isn't necessary.  

                                 I've also used pastel chalk to do streaks before, just add a little water (if you have
dark hair - NOT if you have blonde hair, as it makes it more permanent) and streak away.  Crayola also has
a version of this with an applicator but I haven't tried it yet, so I don't want to endorse it.  Both can be found for about 5/6 dollars.

As far as make up goes, Red sports long lashes and red lipstick.

P.S: Brunette? With a more conservative red dress? 
Try Peggy Carter (movie) from Captain America: The First Avenger.  Don't forget your victory rolls
and red lipstick.  For extra authenticity snag a pair of seamed panty hose.  You can pick up them up at
Target and Walmart during the Winter, and thigh high versions at Intimate Treasures.  Or grab a pair of plain
hose, slide them on, and have a friend draw a black line with a (slightly  heated, pencil eye liner, you can do this with a lighter, the tutorial is posted on the blog).  It's not the easiest but it works, I promise.  It's a trick I
picked up from the 1940s USO shows I do every summer. 

            Blonde? With a solid colored Red Dress? 
Add a black belt around your hips and a black head band in your hair and go as Gwen Stacy.  Want more Gwen Stacy? Look below at number 3!

2) Jane Foster (movie, Thor)

           First off, there are two amalgamation of Jane Foster (a third if you count Thordis)) the one from the movie Thor (in which she is played by Natalie Portman) and Jane Foster from the comics.  Comic Book Jane has gone through so many phases its hard to come up with an easy costume for her.  She's been a (vintage styled nurse) a skinny jean wearing doctor, a paramedic, a dating woman in lots of structured dresses, the list goes on and on.  She will be included in my (to come) 'specific characters that are fun and overlooked cosplay list' but this list will only include the movie Jane. She wears several outfits in the movie and I've narrowed it down to two main 




This is an extremely easy costume to pull together (especially if you're a brunette).  It's also a very comfortable and 'easy to wear' costume.  Another pro is that its great for fans of Marvel movies and great for mild comic fans or fans that want to 'dress-up', without being asked a bunch of questions they don't know the answer to.

This one is definitely a warm weather look with lots of layers so it's probably not best in the Summer or for more crowded conventions.  Another big con is that this costume doesn't really look like a costume; if you're really going for a show your 'true nerd flare' look or to fit in with a bunch of costumers, this probably isn't the
look for you.

The Basic Idea
Jane sports a mid-west look with lots of layers.  Her outfits are made up of lots of neutral creams and browns, and blues, both light and navy.  She wears t-shirts and waffle knits, under plaid flannel, with a patterned scarf, and a trusty navy blue pea coat.  On the bottom, she wears jeans or black leggings and
brown boots.  Her hair and make up is very natural.

Color Scheme
Neutrals: browns, beiges, creams, blues - light and navy. Occasionally pink or green.

What You'll Need

1. A short sleeve screen print T-shirt OR long sleeve waffle knit shirt
(if you want to be really authentic movie Jane wears mainly jersey knit T's.   In the movie she is a physicist doing a lot of 'space' research so some cool shirt ideas could include ones with planets, stars/consolations, physics jokes, NASA ext.)

2. A 3/4 quarter length, plaid, flannel shirt 
ADD ON:  A navy blue pea coat and a blue and cream patterned scarf.  This is definitely optional but she is seen in it a bunch in the movie.  It really adds to the layered look and is a great cold weather option.  This look is finished out with a pair of black leggings and brown knee high boots OR jeans and soft brown ankle boots.

Here's a Second Option

 1. A cream or screen print T-shirt

2.  A thick, cream cardigan with a cowl neck or lapel 
(Jane wears a plain colored one with lapel and a patterned one with a thicker cowl neck)

3.  Jeans and brown boots

Make sure to show off your layers!

Make up and Hair
Jane has brown hair with light blonde highlights that is worn with a center part, loosely straightened.  She also 
sports a very natural make-up look with a copper eye shadow, minimal eyeliner, and long lashes.

Not a brunette?  Jane isn't really a character dependent on her hair, meaning its not often referenced, she isn't defined by it.

But if you want to pull out a brunette vibe for this look clip ins and temporary color are definitely options.  How about a temporary dye? Fanci-full offers natural colors (it can be found at Walmart and  Wallgreens) for 5-7 dollars a bottle.  It's easy to use but when I have used it in the past, it gave my hair a rough/sticky/stringy texture, its a lot better than other temporary dyes I've used, but it made my hair rather difficult to style. 

3) Gwen Stacy (movie and comics, The Amazing Spider-Man)

I have a soft spot for Gwen as she is my comic book store guy's favorite woman in the Marvel universe.  With the amount of Gwen there is in the comics, I have taken some liberties in converting her style into one outfit (option one).  Option two is modeled after the infamous 'death of Gwen Stacy' and the third option is modeled after movie Gwen.



Gwen Stacy is a well known, well loved character.  She's smart, sophisticated, sexy.  She wears so much throughout the comics that pulling off a 'Gwen Stacy' vibe is ridiculously easy.  It's pretty and comfortable.  Prepare to have your picture taken with all the spider-mans there.

This look is lots of skirts and dresses, if your closet is spare on these, you might have trouble pulling this together.  Gwen is also a little dependent on her blonde hair so if you aren't a blonde or don't have a blonde
wig lying around, this one will be harder to pull off.

The Basic Idea
Gwen is smart and seen a bit (especially now, post movie) as a bit of classy, school girl.  She's often seen in colored skirts and black dresses under trench or pea coats with boots and her trusty black head band.  Her
                                                   hair is blonde and worn straight or pulled into a pony tail.  Her make-up is pretty natural.

Color Scheme
Blues, purples, greens...occasionally black and red.  Lots of beige jackets.

What You'll Need
(A Gwen Stacy inspired look)

1.  A colored turtle neck OR a colored, flowy long sleeve shirt

2. A black skirt OR a black structured dress OR any structured dress
(Tip: pair a black structured dress over a flowy long sleeve top for a 70s comic book Gwen Stacy Vibe.  Or pair a black belt with a red dress for a straight out of the comics look.)

3. Top off your look with knee high boots, a mid length pea coat, and a black head band

Here's a Second Option
(The 'Death of Gwen Stacy.' This one is very iconic.)
1. A black shirt
(Gwen's was a tank top sleeved turtle neck.)

2. A purple colored skirt
(Gwen's hits about mid thigh with a block-y line)

3.  A green trench coat

4.  Top off your look with a black head band and knee high black boots

Here's a Third Option
(Movie Gwen)

1.  A black top OR a patterned waffle knit

2.  A neutral skirt OR a matching colored skirt
(Movie Gwen wears a few business skirts and a lot of pleated or plaid school girl styled skirts)

3.  Add a neutral colored trench coat or a neutral colored pea coat

4.  top off your look with cool, modern tights OR thigh high socks

5.  add knee high boots

Hair and Make-up
Gwen Stacy is rather known for her blonde hair.  If you're not a blonde a wig might be necessary.  She wears it with a center part and her trusty black head band, straightened or with soft curls.  Movie Gwen often tosses it back in a quick pony tail.

Her make up is natural.  Add lip gloss and a few coats of mascara, a thin line of eyeliner and your done.

4) Natasha Romanoff (comics and movies, The Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, Black Widow: Origins, The Avengers)

          Now you may be thinking 'Huh?! I don't have a cat suit in my closet.' but trust me there are tons of other easy to pull together, equally iconic Natasha looks.  She's one of my favorite comic book characters, so I've found my way around and pulled out some of the cool stuff.  This list is broken down to two more specific looks and a third basic undercover NR look.



This is a comic book shout out.  There's a ton to play with.  And Natasha is pretty recognizable, especially now.  These are comfortable.  These looks are unique that's why they make up my favorites.

The red hair is very important here (it varies in color and intensity, so any red hair works, but it is important).  These are warmer weather looks with leather jackets and trench coats.  So Summer months may not be the best idea for a few of these looks.  They rely on a certain type of closet, so some of these piece may not be in yours.

The Basic Idea
Think rough and tumble, almost military chic.  She's a spy.  Trench coats, leather jackets, cargo pants.  Her basic undercover look is made up of a little black dress.

Color Scheme
Mainly black and red.

What You'll Need
(the 'off day' Natasha Romanaoff look)

1. a dark top

2.  a leather jacket OR a trench coat

3.  dark jeans or black shorts

4.  combat/military styled boots

5.  top this look off with wrist length driving gloves, or a play gun strapped to your thigh
(I used one from the dollar store that I spray painted black and fashioned a holster out of some black ribbon)

OR black fishnets

Here's a Second Option
(The young Natasha look....)

1.  a red long sleeve shirt

2.  cargo pants
(Natasha's are black)

3. black combat/military styled boots or black hiking boots

Here's a Third
The Natasha Romanoff under cover look...

1. little black cocktail dress

2.  black heels or red heels

3. top off your look with ripped black panty hose OR an umbrella OR black gloves
and a black hat

Hair and Make-Up
Natasha is known for her red hair.  It varies in intensity and color so you can pretty much get away with anything as long as its red.  Don't have red hair? Splat Washables has a temporary 'Totally Red' wash in dye, it gives you hair a weird texture and makes it impossible to style but the color will work for something like this.  It's best done if applied the morning of or in streaks (if you want to just go with a red 'vibe')  Clip in extensions can give a red vibe as well (and can be grabbed at drugstores or the dollar store) these are especially great if you're going to wear a pony tail.

The style of Natasha's hair varies as drastically as the color.  From bob's (in the movie) to pony tails.  It's pretty much anything goes.

Make-up...and that varies as well.  We see a lot of red lipstick and very long, full eyelashes.  And dark eye- liner.

5) Pepper Potts (movie, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, The Avengers)

Comic book Pepper Potts is a little difficult to get a grip on as she has changed so much, especially recently.  And as for Rescue, if you just have that armor chilling in your closet, why do you need me?  Movie Pepper Potts has an easy to put together look, even though she has evolved as well.  I've narrowed this list down to a basic look and more iconic looks





Pepper Potts is pretty and stylish.  We see her in everything from shorts to business dresses, so there should be a look that woks for every closet.  Movie Potts is especially recognizable right now.  These looks can be simple or more iconic.  There's a great range.

Pepper is called Pepper for her red hair and freckles so red hair is very important with this look.

The Basic Idea
Business suits or dresses.  Stylish ponytails.

The Color Scheme
Blacks, navy, whit, beige.

What You'll Need
1.  Colored top and Blazer OR structured business dress

2. A-line skirt

3.  Finish off your look with a little sparkle and strappy heels

Here's a Second Option
(I love this simple, Pepper Pott's 'The Avengers' look....)

1. White dress shirt

2. Blue jean shorts

While I was surfing around the internet I saw a wonderful Pepper Potts meets Extremis cosplay.  What you'll need?  A black sports bra and black leggings.  Hair? straight and tosseled.  Make-up? use a red eyeliner (pencil, melted for a better smudge, to trace your veins around your neck and shoulders for that Extremis look.

Hair and Make-up
Pepper is known for her natural colored red hair, a wig, temporary dye would be useful here.  She often wears a stylish pony tail (the tutorial is right above this on the blog).  The good news is that Walgreens has 10-15 dollar pony tail pieces that are softly curled, beautiful, come and red, and can be styled.  They are wonderful - so if you can do something about the top of your hair (maybe thick streaks with a pale orange chalk pastel, just add water - pastel chalk are at Walmart for around 4 dollars or a wash-in , Fanci-ful carries red, but its a little harder to fin and  it may give your hair a weird texture for the day but the pony-
tail piece will cover all that up!) the pony-tail will take care of the rest.

She sports natural make-up (occasionally a red lipstick) with long lashes.  She sometimes wears a heavier eye with liner and copper.  Her freckles are important as well.  A light brown eye liner pencil is great for these.  Just draw rough dots, smudge them with your fingers, add a little powder over the top and your good to go...they even look natural!

There ya go! Feel free to comment with you cosplay pictures!